Selected questions of mathematics. Elements of vector algebra and geometry: Study guide
National Aviation University, selected mathematics questions, vector algebra, analytical geometry, study guide, problems of elementary mathematics, higher mathematicsSynopsis
of elementtary mathematics and prepare for deeper study of the mentioned section and many other sections higher mathematics.
The questions discussed in the manual correspond to the one of the programs in secondary and higher mathematics schools.
Consideration of each question is carried out in the following order: 1) basic concepts and definitions are introduced; 2) in a concise form (without proof) the main outside the formula; 3) examples of solving the main problems are given common problems and some non-traditional ones; 4) tasks for practical classes are submitted and independent solution, which are divided into two groups:
A and B.
Group A includes tests that contain tasks mandatory level. Tasks are included in group B advanced level,
which are provided with answers.
The manual can be successfully used by teachers llamas; students of senior classes of schools, gymnasiums,
lyceums; applicants in preparation for admission to higher education institutions; student - as a reference
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